Rory McIlroy Defends Tiger Woods Against ‘Greed’ Allegations, Quashes Feud Rumors - lejit news Rory McIlroy Defends Tiger Woods Against 'Greed' Allegations, Quashes ...
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Rory McIlroy Defends Tiger Woods Against ‘Greed’ Allegations, Quashes Feud Rumors



Rory McIlroy has stepped up to defend Tiger Woods amid recent allegations, putting an end to speculation of any existing tension between the two golf stars. McIlroy firmly stood by Woods, addressing claims suggesting greed, particularly surrounding Woods’ involvement with LIV Golf.

McIlroy, a strong advocate for the traditional values of the PGA Tour, has consistently voiced his opposition to LIV Golf’s approach. However, when it came to Woods, McIlroy made it clear that the claims against his fellow golfer were unfounded, highlighting Woods’ dedication to the sport.

The Northern Irish golfer emphasized that Woods’ decisions have always been in the best interest of the game. McIlroy also pointed out that Woods had rejected lucrative offers from LIV, which aligned with his long-standing commitment to upholding the sport’s integrity.

By publicly defending Woods, McIlroy not only ended rumors of a feud but also reinforced the mutual respect they share. His actions underscored their shared commitment to the betterment of professional golf, demonstrating that the sport’s values come before personal gains.

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