How Pros Avoid Topping and Thinning Shots, According to Jordan Spieth’s Coach - lejit news How Pros Avoid Topping and Thinning Shots, According to Jordan Spieth's Coach - lejit news
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How Pros Avoid Topping and Thinning Shots, According to Jordan Spieth’s Coach



McCormick’s insights, shared on Instagram, emphasize the stark contrast between the performance of professionals and amateurs on the golf course. According to him, professionals consistently achieve lower ball flights, while amateurs tend to send the ball soaring higher into the air. The crux of this difference lies in the positioning of the club’s handle during the downswing—a subtle yet game-changing aspect of golf mechanics.

In the world of professional golf, there exists a secret to success that often goes unnoticed by the average enthusiast. Jordan Spieth’s coach, Cameron McCormick, recently shed light on this elusive aspect of the game. He boldly states, “Elite golfers never top it and almost never hit it thin.” This revelation, he believes, is paramount for those seeking to improve their ball-striking skills.

In an accompanying video on Instagram, McCormick elucidated the key to this ball-striking secret. He began by demonstrating the handle’s location in the swings of both pros and amateurs. “Professional golfers,” he explained, “return the handle arc lower than where it left off, adjacent to their back thigh, often 1 to 3 centimeters lower.” In contrast, amateur players tend to return the handle higher, necessitating bending of the elbows and extending the arms.

Now, it’s your turn to pause and reflect on your own golf swing. Take a moment to check if you align with the pros or find yourself among the amateurs.

So, what’s the remedy? McCormick’s solution, as he revealed in the Instagram video, involves a simple yet effective practice. During your training sessions, try reversing your hands on the club and focus on pushing the butt of the grip downward. This action, especially in the late stages of your downswing, can work wonders for your ball-striking consistency.

As you practice this grip reversal and push-down technique, you’ll notice your ability to hit flush iron shots improve significantly. McCormick assures that this adjustment will banish the woes of topping or thinning your shots once and for all.

In conclusion, Cameron McCormick’s revelation on ball-striking secrets among elite golfers offers a valuable lesson for aspiring players. By understanding the nuances of handle positioning during the downswing and implementing the recommended practice, you can elevate your golf game to new heights. So, give it a try, and soon, tops and thins will become a thing of the past.

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